Experiment with different settings for the mechanical properties of the sample and the applied loading. What happens if you drastically reduce the Young's modulus or increase the applied pressure. Is the simulation result still valid?

For example try setting a Young's modulus of 1e8 and rerunning the problem. You should see substantial deformation of the block.

The current input is set up for small deformation mechanics. Large load relative to the material stiffness will lead to large deformation, for which a finite strain formulation needs to be used. Read about our incremental finite strain formulation here.

In the Tensor mechanics Master action this finite strain formulation can be activated by setting the "strain" parameter to FINITE. Furthermore you need to swap out the corresponding stress calculator from ComputeLinearElasticStress to ComputeFiniteStrainElasticStress.

Rerun the problem again with these changes and your modified Young's modulus of 1e8. You will observe that MOOSE struggles to converge this problem due to the very large deformation. We will revisit this in a later exercise when we convert the input over to automatic differentiation.