- Chamois App
- FiniteStrainPressureApplies a pressure on a given boundary in a given direction
- FunctionDirichletIncrementalBCImposes a FunctionDirichletBC with possibility of an offset, which can be set to the current boundary value at discrete points in time
- FiniteStrainPressure
- Chamois App
- FiniteStrainPressureActionSet up FiniteStrainPressure boundary conditions
- Chamois App
- ComputeCharacteristicElementLength
- ComputeDeformedBoundaryNormalVectorCompute a gradient-enhanced micropolar material from the Marmot library
- ComputeMarmotMaterialGradientEnhancedHypoElasticCompute stress using a hypoelastic material model from MarmotUserLibrary
- ComputeMarmotMaterialGradientEnhancedMicropolarCompute a gradient-enhanced micropolar material from the Marmot library
- ComputeMarmotMaterialHypoElasticCompute stress using a hypoelastic material model from MarmotUserLibrary
- ConvertRankFourTensorFromVoigtConvert any RankFourTensor from (Abaqus compatible) Voigt notation
- ConvertRankTwoTensorFromVoigtConvert any RankTwoTensor from (Abaqus compatible) Voigt notation
- ConvertRankTwoTensorToVoigtConvert any RankTwoTensor to (Abaqus compatible) Voigt notation
- Chamois App
- GradientEnhancedMicropolarContinuumAction
- Chamois App
- GradientEnhancedMicropolarDamage2. order Helmholtz like PDE for describing nonlocal damage
- GradientEnhancedMicropolarKirchhoffMomentMoment of a gradient-enhanced rank two tensor Kirchhoff
- GradientEnhancedMicropolarPKIDivergenceDivergence of a gradient-enhanced rank two tensor PKI (stress, couple stress)
- GradientEnhancedStressDivergenceTensorsEnhanced StressDivergenceTensors kernel considering off diagonal jacobian terms due to gradient-enhanced stress effects.
- ImplicitGradientEnhancedDamageClassical 'Helmholtz'-like equation used for implicit gradient-enhanced damage or plasticity models
- Chamois App
- ComputeCharacteristicElementLength
- ComputeDeformedBoundaryNormalVectorCompute a gradient-enhanced micropolar material from the Marmot library
- ComputeMarmotMaterialGradientEnhancedHypoElasticCompute stress using a hypoelastic material model from MarmotUserLibrary
- ComputeMarmotMaterialGradientEnhancedMicropolarCompute a gradient-enhanced micropolar material from the Marmot library
- ComputeMarmotMaterialHypoElasticCompute stress using a hypoelastic material model from MarmotUserLibrary
- ConvertRankFourTensorFromVoigtConvert any RankFourTensor from (Abaqus compatible) Voigt notation
- ConvertRankTwoTensorFromVoigtConvert any RankTwoTensor from (Abaqus compatible) Voigt notation
- ConvertRankTwoTensorToVoigtConvert any RankTwoTensor to (Abaqus compatible) Voigt notation