Try and add output for the vonMises stress in the simulation domain. Take a look at the "generate_output" parameter...

generate_output is a convenient way to obtain scalar quantities, such as tensor components, invariants, etc. as fields that can be visualized on a mesh.

Change your master action block to

    add_variables = true
    generate_output = 'vonmises_stress'

Then rerun the input and visualize the output. You will notice that the resulting field looks blocky. MOOSE is projecting the material point values onto constant monomial functions. The "material_output_family" and "material_output_order" parameters allow to to select higher order monomials and even nodal variables for smooth material property output. For now let's just try a second order monomial with

    add_variables = true
    generate_output = 'vonmises_stress'
    material_output_order = SECOND

If you load the result into paraview you will notice that for higher order monomials paraview automatically averages the results at the nodes. Nodal patch recovery is available to perform such a projection more acurately inside MOOSE.