Step 4 - Multiple submeshes
As a final step in the tensor mechanics section of this tutorial we'll set up a pair of separate mesh blocks - two cantilevers side by side, fixed at the bottom, that will be pushed towards each other with pressure boundary conditions.
# Multiple submesh setup with two cantilevers side by side
displacements = 'disp_x disp_y'
type = GeneratedMeshGenerator
dim = 2
nx = 5
ny = 15
xmin = -0.6
xmax = -0.1
ymax = 5
bias_y = 0.9
boundary_name_prefix = pillar1
type = GeneratedMeshGenerator
dim = 2
nx = 4
ny = 15
xmin = 0.1
xmax = 0.6
ymax = 5
bias_y = 0.9
boundary_name_prefix = pillar2
boundary_id_offset = 4
type = MeshCollectionGenerator
inputs = 'generated1 generated2'
add_variables = true
# we anticipate large deformation
strain = FINITE
type = DirichletBC
variable = disp_x
boundary = 'pillar1_bottom pillar2_bottom'
value = 0
type = DirichletBC
variable = disp_y
boundary = 'pillar1_bottom pillar2_bottom'
value = 0
boundary = 'pillar1_left pillar2_right'
function = 1e4*t
type = ComputeIsotropicElasticityTensor
youngs_modulus = 1e9
poissons_ratio = 0.3
# we anticipate large deformation
type = ComputeFiniteStrainElasticStress
type = Transient
solve_type = NEWTON
line_search = none
petsc_options_iname = '-pc_type'
petsc_options_value = 'lu'
end_time = 5
dt = 0.5
type = SimplePredictor
scale = 1
exodus = true
(moose/modules/tensor_mechanics/tutorials/introduction/mech_step04.i)Input file
We again are using multiple mesh generators to set up a more complex mesh. You could also use a meshing software, such as Cubit or Gmsh to create your geometry and mesh - and will most definitely have to do so when modeling complex geometries for which no specialized mesh generators are provided. It is crucial to assign block and boundary IDs and names to your meshes so you can apply material models and boundary conditions.
Here we are using the familiar GeneratedMeshGenerator
, but with a few more options than last time. Note how we're specifying the extent of the mesh with the "xmin" and "xmax" parameters (we keep the default value for "ymin", which is 0). We also use the "bias_y" parameter to have the element height in the mesh gradually shrink towards the top (you will see later why that is a good idea). "boundary_name_prefix" adds a prefix string to the names of the default boundaries that the GeneratedMeshGenerator sets up (left
, right
, top
, bottom
(for >=2D), front
, and back
(for 3D)). The generated
block will create a mesh with the boundaries pillar1_left
, pillar1_right
, pillar1_top
, and pillar1_bottom
The generated2
generator will set up the second pillar and works very much like the first, except that we are also adding the "boundary_id_offset" to ensure that the boundaries of the second pillar have their own unique IDs (this is done by shifting the default IDs of the four boundaries by 4 so they don't overlap with the IDs of pillar1).
When modeling the deformation/bending of walls with solid elements make sure to mesh at least about five elements through the wall thickness!
The MeshCollectionGenerator
then combines the two separate pillar mesh objects into a single mesh object that contains all elements from both meshes. Note that this does not** mean the two meshes are glued together or connected in any way! Also, in contrast to the previous step the mesh generators do not form a chain, but they form a tree structure. The important thing for MOOSE is that a single generator sits at the end of such a chain or root of such a tree (otherwise MOOSE will complain with an error message).
TensorMechanics Master
As discussed previously, when we expect large deformation we need to make sure we select the correct strain formulation. So here we select finite strain.
The boundary conditions should look familiar. Note how we can specify multiple boundaries for every boundary condition (or Pressure action).
We select ComputeFiniteStrainElasticStress
as the elastic stress calculator for the finite strain formulation.
Some more tweaks are made to the Executioner block:
We disable "line_search". Line searches can accelerate the convergence of the linear system, but here it does more harm than good (check for yourself by commenting out this option).
We add a predictor to accelerate the solve. The
extrapolates an initial guess for the current time step from the two previous time steps. Especially with a Newton solve a good initial guess can lead to drastically improved convergence.
Expected outcome
First off, run the simulation and look at the result.
What do you observe (does it meet your expectations)?
Getting a problem to converge optimally can be tricky. Try a few different things
Remove all petsc options and check how the problem converges with the default ILU preconditioner
comment out the
optionremove the predictor
Check the consequence of these changes. You can inspect internal performance metrics of MOOSE by adding the option
perf_graph = true
in the[Outputs]
Iterative preconditioning
Check how the problem converges with the following PETSc options
petsc_options_iname = '-pc_type -pc_hypre_type'
petsc_options_value = 'hypre boomeramg'
This enables a very scalable algebraic multigrid (AMG) preconditioner, provided by the Hypre library.
Postprocessing results
MOOSE has a system of so called Postprocessors that can extract scalar quantities for a simulation while it runs. These quantities can be printed on the screen in real time or written to files for later analysis. You add postprocessors under the [Postprocessors]
top level block.
File output of postprocessors is enabled by adding the csv = true
option in the [Outputs]
Let's see if we can extract the x deflection of the left cantilever. It should be a positive value and the scalar we can extract is the maximum
value in the simualtion cell (the left cantilever has positive displacements as it bends right in the positive x direction, while the right cantilever has negative displacements as it bends left in the negative x direction). So we need a postprocessor object that gives us an extreme value of a given variable. Take a look at NodalExtremeValue and try to set it up to output the maximum positive x deflection.
Sidebar: Volumetric locking
Volumetric locking can occur in mechanics simulations of near incompressible materials if the elements (and associated shape functions) cannot accomodate the incompressibility constraint.
Keep the postprocessing modifications from the previous question, set the "poissons_ratio" of the cantilevers to
. Then add and modify the following parameters
"uniform_refine" in the
block"volumetric_locking_correction" in the tensor mechanics master action block
"elem_type" in the
blocksFor convenience all those parameters may be listed under
instead. Compare first order QUAD4 elements to second order QUAD8 elements, compare the cantilever deflection with and without volumetric locking correction (with QUAD4 elements), and compare the result for different levels of uniform refinement (1, 2, 3, 4).
Click here for the sidebar on volumetric locking.
Once you've answered the questions and run this example we will move on to Step 1 of the contact tutorial, which builds on this step.