
This class provides API for resolving paths to data files distributed alongside MOOSE based apps and modules.

getDataFileNameFinds a data file given a FileName input parameter
getDataFileNameByNameFinds a data file given a relative path


Files located in moose/framework/data, the moose/modules/*/data, or <your_app>/data directories can be retrieved using the getDataFileName(const std::string & param) function, where param is an input parameter of type FileName

getDataFileName will search (in this order)

  • relative to the input file

  • relative to the running binary in the shared directory (assuming the application is installed)

  • relative to all registered data file directories (which are determined by the source file locations when compiling and registered using the registerDataFilePath macro in Registry.h)


The getDataFileNameByName can be used for hard coded data file names. e.g. data files that are tied to a specific model and are not meant to be user replaceable. This method will not search relative to the input file location and will only find data files in source repositories and installed binary distributions.