
The OutputWarehouse is a storage container for all Output objects.

Warehouses are used to store objects. Using warehouses is preferable in terms of encapsulation and code design to storing everything in central simulation classes like the FEProblem. The OutputWarehouse does not derive from the other warehouse classes, such as the MooseObjectWarehouse.

The OutputWarehouse inherits the SetupInterface (execute_on) and forward the setup calls (such as timestepSetup) to the objects they hold. Similarly, on a call to outputStep on the warehouse, all the objects the OutputWarehouse holds will also perform outputStep.

In addition to keeping track of all Outputs objects, the OutputWarehouse also:

  • keeps track of the sync_times at which output is forced

  • handles the output to the console. The ConsoleStream that many objects use to output, uses the OutputWarehouse under the hood to output its messages.