Introduction to Tensor Mechanics

This tutorial aims to guide new users through their first set of tensor mechanics simulations. We'll start with a minimal setup and work our way up in complexity to where this tutorial can hand off to the Introduction to Contact.

First steps

In this step we start off with a simple bare bones mechanics problem and think about units in MOOSE.

Adding boundary conditions

Next we add boundary conditions and loading. We think about the validity of the strain formulation and make a quick excursion into automatic differentiation.

Subdomains and subdomain-specific properties

In this step we'll be setting up two subdomains (regions of our sample) with differing material properties.

Thermal expansion

In this step we'll have a look at how thermal expansion can be modeled in MOOSE.

Multiple submeshes

We'll set up a pair of mesh separate unconnected mesh blocks,as a final preparation before we start working with mechanical contact.

Volumetric locking

We'll look at the effects of volumetric locking and how to mitigate them.